Cord, Whit, and Ave are headed to Utah. Cord got a job with his buddy Ransom and found a fun little place to live. He went house hunting without the help of Whitney. After looking at two houses he decided he didn't like looking for places to rent and picked the best out of the two places he had seen. I have a couple pictures of their new place. Also Whitney sent me a quick email about their recent move -
Cord and I are sad to be leaving AZ and our home and family their, but are excited to be trying something new and being near em and nate and mjay and ransom. Cords job is looking promising and i am starting the job search. Nervous about getting insurance for the baby and ave, but i hope it turns out ok. The house is interesting i think its cute its just nasty from the people before and its old needs
a few minor repairs like Avery's window had a giant gap around a it and a piece of plexy glass caulked int here as a window, and there is no weather stripping around the doors but they are slowly getting fixed, not great but it will do. As soon as we are all put together we will send pics of the house, and we would like to thank everyone who helped in the process and also Steve who took us to dinner, it was nice. I'm still sick but getting better, so hopefully all is well!
- Families moving away is always sad, especially, when Avery is one of the people moving with them. At least in this case they are moving away from family only to move by other family.
p.s. Cord, Whitney and Avery have recently announced they are going to be having a boy!
what the?!?!?! i didn't know they had already moved! I'm going to have to call cord or whit and talk with them about it!