Jordan Willis continues to have experiences that remind me of the fortune cookie he once stumbled upon. He picked it up off the floor not realizing it was meant for him, it said:
"You've had many trials in your life, and it shows.""Well two and a half years ago I was on a date at the county fair with a girl. It was fun and I had a great time until I broke my tooth eating roasted almonds. It was a tooth that had a filling long ago and was already weak. So the filling falls out and im left with a back molar that has a giant crater in it. well do to my poor income and lack of insurance I never fixed it. The average root canal and crown here in mesa is 2200 dollars. So after two and a half years one can only imagine just had bad my tooth had become. It had become my own personal demon, the Goliath i couldn't conquer. I had it so long that I was
used to just chewing on my right side out of habit. I have learned to simply deal with the pain. that is until It finally flared up so bad that my face looked worse then it did when the Mexicans kicked the crap out of me all those years ago. I knew that my tooth was finally going to kill me. I d like to say this story has a more climatic ending however I just coughed up 2400 dollars and have lived purely on mac n cheese for the last month and got a root canal done. I feel so much better and now life is worth living again. So here is to the little guy!!! To conquering Goliath and overcoming obstacles in life. Whatever."
I remember that fortune cookie ha ha! He didn't pick it up off the floor, he got it in his fortune cookie when we were on the ski trip at the restaurant and tried to hide it!!