I would trade a coues deer tag for an elk tag, I love hunting these deer. This year I had a great time hunting in the superstitions. This deer I shot from 650 yards with my 30-378. I had watched him and a really big deer for 3 days waiting for my hunting buddy (Jonnie Walker) to get better from being sick. I thought we could share both dear. When Jonnie finally go better we could only find this deer. This was Jonnie's hunting spot so this should have been his deer, but Jonnie let me shoot. It took us 6 hours to pack him out. Most of the pack out we had to use our hands to pull ourselves up steep rocks and mountains. It was a blast. This deer is not the biggest I've killed but he's one of my favorites.
I love hunting I love spending time out away from everything and every one. I look forward to my next hunt before the hunt I'm on is even over. I could not do this without Jennifer. This year she was in the middle of her last semester of Nursing school and still made it possible for me to go. It was the worst time possible for me to go and she still let me go.

I am thankful for her understanding. Plus if she didn't let me go I think she knows I would not be worth having around the whole hunt anyways, and probably longer. Shelbi will be my new hunting buddy next year and I am more excited about that then anything.
I grew my beard for 3 months, because you have to have a big heard to shoot a big deer. Jenny was even understanding about my beard. She was so good about it I shaved it within 20 minutes of being home.
awesome, love the article!!! I love hunting Coues Deer, can't wait to get down there and get a tag again. That's one main reason I got my AZ lifetime license!!