Steven Tucker has moved out of the small town of Eager and into the city of Chandler, and he hates it. Right after graduating from University of Phoenix he decided he should try leaving the small town and his first stop is in Chandler. I'm not too sure how long Tucker will last in the valley of the sun. I've heard him complain about all the driving and traffic, that there is too many people, and time and time again about the heat. Well I am stuck here in Mesa myself and I completely agree. We are glad to have Steve with us, because misery loves company, but for those of us in the desert city, we need to find a way out of the city and not follow Steven's example.
The Gomez family is another group that have recently left RV for the city. They moved here so Tammy Gomez could go to school and start her career. Having to leave to accomplish something that the small town doesn't have to offer is a very sad truth that many of us that love small time living may have to face. If you have to go down the path of Steven Tucker or even Tammy Gomez always try to find your way home.
story by Michael Wiltbank
Sadly, I cannot share your pain! I love the valley and all it provides. If I lived in God's country (aka Eagar) I don't think I could truly appreciate the goodness of it!! Visiting every now and than keeps the magic.